アプリケーションノート (分析目的)- Applications for Reseach, Development and Process Analysis -


Correlation between fluorescence intensity and specific AFM force measurements on living Hela cells. A tip was functionalized with a toxin able to target any inositol-containing molecule. Fluorescent cells over-express GPI-anchored proteins and exhibit a high number of specific unbinding events (yellow retraction curve) whereas for most of the non-fluorescent cells, no event (red retraction curve), or a much lower number, can be detected.

Celgard® oriented Polypropylene membrane (TappingMode, Broadband-A Probe) is a good indicator of AFM force control. Tracking error would cause lateral forces to separate and damage the smaller strands.

Experimental data of force curves for a cantilever operated in PeakForce Tapping. The lever is driven by a sinusoidal wave and the curves are displayed as force versus time and force versus distance.

1μm scan of Origami DNA in buffer solution using ScanAsyst.



Average I-V curves of the three polymer films



Topography (left) and tunneling current (right) images taken on a 1.2nm thin aluminum oxide (Al2O3) film at a sample bias voltage of 0.14V. 500nm scans, 5 pA current range. Data courtesy A. Olbrich, Infineon, Munich, Germany.

Topography (left) and FM-EFM (right) images of a ferroelectric film with electrical bits written onto it.



PF-TUNA images of a Li[Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3]O2 composite cathode. Sample courtesy of Dr. Zheng and Battaglia, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.



30μm scan of a Teflon membrane in PeakForce Tapping

Poly(butyl acrylate) brush-like macromolecules(a) Height,(c) Adhesion



Correlation between fluorescence intensity and specific AFM force measurements on living Hela cells. A tip was functionalized with a toxin able to target any inositol-containing molecule. Fluorescent cells over-express GPI-anchored proteins and exhibit a high number of specific unbinding events (yellow retraction curve) whereas for most of the non-fluorescent cells, no event (red retraction curve), or a much lower number, can be detected.

A 250nm AFM Topography image of a single herpes simplex virus capsid. Sample courtesy of Wouter Roos and Gijs Wuite, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

In the MIRO canvas, the fluorescence image is used as a background to target AFM measurements.


AN138  PDF  3.2MB Combined Optical and Atomic Force Microscopy
AN137  PDF  6.6MB Performing Enhanced Multiparameter Cell Imaging with Combined Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
AN135  PDF  2.9MB Quantitative Imaging of Living Biological Samples by PeakForce QNM Atomic Force Microscopy
AN133  PDF  4.9MB Introduction to Bruker's ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping AFM Technology
AN131  PDF  2.6MB BioScope Catalyst: Accessing All Biological Size Scales with High-Resolution AFM Imaging
AN130  PDF  1.9MB Common Approaches to Tip Functionalization for AFM-Based Molecular Recognition Measurements
AN126  PDF  376KB Functional Imaging-Using SPM to Visualize Enzymes at Submolecular Resolution AFM
AN125  PDF  6.1MB Characterizing the Effect of Anticytoskeletal Drugs on Living Cells Using MIRO and BioScope Catalyst
AN122  PDF  4.5MB Ultrastructure and Force Property Measurements of Wheat Grain Tissues Using HarmoniX Mode in Fluid
AN120  PDF  2.6MB Advances toward Medical Nano-Imaging by High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy
AN117  PDF  1.2MB Atomic Force Microscopy and Neurodegenerative Diseases Part 1
AN118  PDF  1.5MB Atomic Force Microscopy and Neurodegenerative Diseases Part 2
AN111  PDF  3.4MB Atomic Force Microscopy Detecting Specific Ligand-Receptor Interactions on Live Cancer Cells in situ AFM
AN110  PDF  1.4MB Drug Interactions Investigated Using Atomic Force Microscopy with Functionalized Tips
AN092  PDF  1.4MB Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging and Force Spectroscopy of Individual Bacterial Adhesions
AN089  PDF  1.3MB Probing DNA-Protein Interactions with Atomic Force Microscopy
AN077  PDF  2MB Drug Dissolution Studies with Atomic Force Microscopy
AN067  PDF  1.5MB Atomic Force Microscopy in the Investigation of Gene Delivery Vehicles
AN063  PDF  1.8MB Pharmaceutical Studies of Drug Crystal Growth Particles and Coatings
AN056  PDF  4.9MB Atomic Force Microscopy in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Interactions and Disease Mechanisms
AN050  PDF  1.3MB Atomic Force Microscopy of Microbial Cells
AN049  PDF  6MB TappingMode Atomic Force Microscopy Operation in Fluid
AN046  PDF  3.3MB Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Complementary Techniques for High Resolution Surface Investigations
AN044  PDF  4.6MB Choosing Atomic Force Microscopy Probes for Biological Applications
AN022  PDF  6MB Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy for Contact Lens Manufacturing
AN020  PDF  5.2MB Applications of Force Volume Imaging with Atomic Force Microscopes



AN157  PDF  410KB A Guide Tour of AFM Modes for Materials Characterization
AN155  PDF  1.95MB Deep Learning to Classify and Establish Structure Property Predictions with PeakForce QNM
AN136  PDF  5.3MB Advances in Combined Atomic Force and Raman Microscopy
AN134  PDF  6.3MB Survey, Screening, Dynamics: A No-Compromise Approach to High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
AN133  PDF  4.9MB Introduction to Bruker's ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping AFM Technology
AN523  PDF  317KB Combining Atomic Force Microscopy with Polarized Raman Microscopy
AN128  PDF  11MB Quantitative Mechanical Property Mapping at the Nanoscale with PeakForce QNM
AN107  PDF  1.2MB Electrical testing using Torsional Resonance Mode and TUNA AFM
AN087  PDF  1.5MB Corrosion Studies with the Atomic Force Microscope Part-1
AN085  PDF  3.2MB Scanning Tunneling Microscopy : A Tool for Studying Self-Assemrly and Model Systems for Molecular Devices
AN079  PDF  2MB Electrical Characterization with Scanning Probe Microscopes
AN048  PDF  4.3MB Scanning Probe Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Technology Overview
AN046  PDF  3.3MB Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Complementary Techniques for High Resolution Surface Investigations
AN028  PDF  6.3MB Studies of Metallic Surfaces and Microstructures with Atomic Force Microscopy
AN027  PDF  6.2MB EFM Surface Potential Imaging and Surface Electric Modification with the AFM
AN021  PDF  4.7MB Using Atomic Force Microscopy for Engineering Low-Scatter Thin Film Optics
AN013  PDF  4.7MB Nanoindenting Scratching and Wear Testing with the Atomic Force Microscope
AN011  PDF  8MB Phase Imaging Beyond Topography
AN005  PDF  6.3MB Lateral and Chemical Force Microscopy Mapping Surface Friction and Adhesion
AN004  PDF  3.5MB TappingMode Imaging Applications and Technology
AN-AFM01  PDF  270KB AFM and GISAXS Study of Self-assembled FeO Nanoperticles




Pick AN138
Combined Optical and Atomic Force Microscopy

Correlation between fluorescence intensity and specific AFM force measurements on living Hela cells. A tip was functionalized with a toxin able to target any inositol-containing molecule. Fluorescent cells over-express GPI-anchored proteins and exhibit a high number of specific unbinding events (yellow retraction curve) whereas for most of the non-fluorescent cells, no event (red retraction curve), or a much lower number, can be detected.

Celgard® oriented Polypropylene membrane (TappingMode, Broadband-A Probe) is a good indicator of AFM force control. Tracking error would cause lateral forces to separate and damage the smaller strands.

AFM phase image of bacterial S-layers from E. coli. Sample courtesy of Hans Oberleithner, Institute for Physiology II, University of Muenster, Germany


AN138  PDF  3.2MB Combined Optical and Atomic Force Microscopy
AN137  PDF  6.6MB Performing Enhanced Multiparameter Cell Imaging with Combined Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
AN134  PDF  6.3MB Survey, Screening, Dynamics: A No-Compromise Approach to High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
AN131  PDF  2.6MB BioScope Catalyst: Accessing All Biological Size Scales with High-Resolution AFM Imaging
AN126  PDF  376KB Functional Imaging-Using SPM to Visualize Enzymes at Submolecular Resolution
AN125  PDF  6.1MB Characterizing the Effect of Anticytoskeletal Drugs on Living Cells Using MIRO and BioScope Catalyst
AN122  PDF  4.5MB Ultrastructure and Force Property Measurements of Wheat Grain Tissues Using HarmoniX Mode in Fluid
AN120  PDF  2.6MB Advances toward Medical Nano-Imaging by High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy
AN117  PDF  1.2MB Atomic Force Microscopy and Neurodegenerative Diseases Part 1
AN105  PDF  4.1MB Advanced Nanoscale Characterization with the Innova Scanning Probe Microscope : Phase Imaging of Polymer Materials
AN085  PDF  3.2MB Scanning Tunneling Microscopy : A Tool for Studying Self-Assembly and Model Systems for Molecular Devices
AN084  PDF  1.3MB Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy for Polymers
AN077  PDF  2MB Drug Dissolution Studies with Atomic Force Microscopy
AN067  PDF  1.5MB Atomic Force Microscopy in the Investigation of Gene Delivery Vehicles
AN063  PDF  1.8MB Pharmaceutical Studies of Drug Crystal Growth Particles and Coatings
AN056  PDF  4.9MB Atomic Force Microscopy in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Interactions and Disease Mechanisms
AN050  PDF  1.3MB Atomic Force Microscopy of Microbial Cells
AN049  PDF  6MB TappingMode Atomic Force Microscopy Operation in Fluid
AN046  PDF  3.3MB Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Complementary Techniques for High Resolution Surface Investigations
AN028  PDF  6.3MB Studies of Metallic Surfaces and Microstructures with Atomic Force Microscopy
AN022  PDF  6MB Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy for Contact Lens Manufacturing
AN021  PDF  4.7MB Using Atomic Force Microscopy for Engineering Low-Scatter Thin Film Optics
AN004  PDF  3.5MB TappingMode Imaging Applications and Technology
AN-AFM02  PDF  190KB Investigation of solar cells
AN-AFM01  PDF  270KB AFM and GISAXS Study of Self-Assembled FeO Nanoperticles


Correlation between fluorescence intensity and specific AFM force measurements on living Hela cells. A tip was functionalized with a toxin able to target any inositol-containing molecule. Fluorescent cells over-express GPI-anchored proteins and exhibit a high number of specific unbinding events (yellow retraction curve) whereas for most of the non-fluorescent cells, no event (red retraction curve), or a much lower number, can be detected.

Cooling of polymer blend of syndiotactic polypropylene and polyethylene oxide. g-i show the modulus.


AN138  PDF  3.2MB Combined Optical and Atomic Force Microscopy
AN137  PDF  6.6MB Performing Enhanced Multiparameter Cell Imaging with Combined Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
AN135  PDF  2.9MB Quantitative Imaging of Living Biological Samples by PeakForce QNM Atomic Force Microscopy
AN133  PDF  4.9MB Introduction to Bruker's ScanAsyst and PeakForce Tapping AFM Technology
AN132  PDF  6.7MB Simultaneous Electrical and Mechanical Property Mapping at the Nanoscale with PeakForce TUNA
AN131  PDF  2.6MB BioScope Catalyst: Accessing All Biological Size Scales with High-Resolution AFM Imaging
AN130  PDF  1.9MB Common Approaches to Tip Functionalization for AFM-Based Molecular Recognition Measurements
AN128  PDF  11MB Quantitative Mechanical Property Mapping at the Nanoscale with PeakForce QNM
AN125  PDF  6.1MB Characterizing the Effect of Anticytoskeletal Drugs on Living Cells Using MIRO and BioScope Catalyst
AN122  PDF  4.5MB Ultrastructure and Force Property Measurements of Wheat Grain Tissues Using HarmoniX Mode in Fluid
AN105  PDF  4.1MB Advanced Nanoscale Characterization with the Innova Scanning Probe Microscope : Phase Imaging of Polymer Materials
AN056  PDF  4.9MB Atomic Force Microscopy in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Interactions and Disease Mechanisms
AN046  PDF  3.3MB Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Complementary Techniques for High Resolution Surface Investigations
AN028  PDF  6.3MB Studies of Metallic Surfaces and Microstructures with Atomic Force Microscopy
AN020  PDF  5.2MB Applications of Force Volume Imaging with Atomic Force Microscopes
AN013  PDF  4.7MB Nanoindenting Scratching and Wear Testing with the Atomic Force Microscope
AN011  PDF  8MB Phase Imaging Beyond Topography


PeakForce TUNA images of P3HT:PCBM solar cell with a PEDOT modified ITO/glass anode. Shown are (a) topography, scale 10nm;(b) Cycle-averaged Current, scale 5pA.



Correlation between fluorescence intensity and specific AFM force measurements on living Hela cells. A tip was functionalized with a toxin able to target any inositol-containing molecule. Fluorescent cells over-express GPI-anchored proteins and exhibit a high number of specific unbinding events (yellow retraction curve) whereas for most of the non-fluorescent cells, no event (red retraction curve), or a much lower number, can be detected.

Imaging and probing of D-Ala-D-Ala sites on living bacteria.

